It has been a while since our last post! Sincerest apologies...we have both been incredibly busy....oops!
This post is dedicated to runners or those aspiring runners. I have been running for a while now. I started as a kid and continued in the Varsity Track and Field team in high school where I focused on middle distances. Three years ago I took part in my first 10k run and boy was it hard! I thought that I was in okay shape so I signed up without any preparation. Little did I know, 10k is actually quite a long distance! Since then I have taken part in 6 10k runs. I have clearly been bitten by the runners bug and I'm completely addicted. To tell you the truth...I don't actually enjoy running THAT much. I get bored when I go on longer runs which makes preparation quite dull. I like shorter distances but I get more of a buzz going the longer route. Adrenaline rush much. I do, however, love taking part in organised events. I sign up for every 10k run that I possibly can. The atmosphere at the event is fantastic where surrounding houses all come out and cheer on the runners. I've also been told that, on average, you run 15 seconds faster per kilometre in an organised run (faster than when you would train on your own). I guess the people, the adrenaline, and the need to succeed pushes you forward.
Right, this being said...I just completed my first half marathon! Preparation lasted a few months but I must admit I wasn't the strictest runner. I hoped that my stubborn personality would allow me to push myself finish those 21km that it would take to take me to the finish line. I would run 1 long distance per week and 2 shorter. Then I would add 10% to the distance each week...this went on for about 3 months. My goal was however very vague. My only goal was to finish the race and not think too much about the time. And I succeeded! (Majorly chuffed....I think I'm allowed, right?)
Now I'm going to share some of the things that I believe got me through the 2 hours of running....
1) My Cwx running trousers (see this blog entry: Run rabbit run). No more wiggling!
2) My Asics Gel Nimbus (neutral) running shoes. They're expensive. They only last a year. They are the best shoes you can put on your feet. Period.
3) My Garmin Forerunner watch. You can see the distance you've gone, time, what speed, how many laps, your heart rate. You can organise your work out. There is a GPS. All in all it is a fantastic watch
4) Gu Energy Gel. The texture is absolutely disgusting. I feel like I'm eating Flubber, from the Robin Williams movie. However, the energy you feel after you've consumed it is ace. Its best to have the gel before having a sip of water as the texture is quite slimy. My favorite is Jet Blackberry...probably because there is double the amount of caffeine in it....
5) High 5 Energy Source drink. I drank this a few days before the race in order to "carboload". I drank 3 3 days before, 3 2 days before, 2 the day before, and I slowly sipped one drink the morning of the half marathon. 50% powder and 50% water and it actually tastes yummy!
6) The most important thing for ipod. I cannot go running without some upbeat tunes!
That's all folks!
H x
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